Elements Of Algebraic Topology 作者: James R. Munkres 出版社: Westview Press出版年: 1996-01-01页数: 464定价: USD 75.00装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780201627282豆瓣评分 8.6 19人评价 5星 47.4% 4星 42.1% 3星 10.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: ...
代数拓扑基础:Elements of Algebraic Topology-提供发票 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥75.00 (8.43折) 降价通知 定价¥89.00 暂无评分 0人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 (美)J.R.曼克勒斯、谢孔彬著 查看作品 出版 科学出版社,2017年01月 查看作品 分类 图书>历史>史家名著 ...
Munkres的教材目前知道的有四本:代数拓扑基础讲义,拓扑学,微分拓扑,流形上的分析,这几本书都很有特点,就是从最基本,最基础的讲起。适合自学,而那本代数拓扑基础在单纯同调讲得太细致,花的篇幅比较大,但是总体来说教材也是很经典的代数拓扑入门教材,如果你很习惯于他的这样学习方式 相当...
This chapter discusses various elements of algebraic topology. Topology is a powerful tool in classical analysis and is connected with technology and natural sciences via its applications, while topology itself uses methods of algebra and set theory. A simplicial complex is defined as a finite family...
Elements Of Algebraic Topology 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 原本是去年看完Munkres《代数拓扑基础》中译本之后写成的文章,一年之后自然又有了一些新收获,所以就补充一点新的体会重发出来。 先来说说读这个书所需要的预备知识,主要就是代数与拓扑两个方面的了。其实书中对一些基础的知识都预先做了大致的介绍,所以起点...
当当小熊贝比图书专营店在线销售正版《代数拓扑基础:Elements of Algebraic Topology [美]J.R.曼克勒斯、谢孔彬 著 科学出版社》。最新《代数拓扑基础:Elements of Algebraic Topology [美]J.R.曼克勒斯、谢孔彬 著 科学出版社》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息
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They have natural connections to a variety of areas, including algebraic K-theory, classical algebraic topology, differential geometry, homological algebra, loop spaces, noncommutative geometry and physics. A number of structural results have been obtained as analogues of corresponding results in Lie ...
This work reviews state of the art representative volume element (RVE) generation techniques for heterogeneous materials. To this end, we present a systematic classification considering a wide range of heterogeneous materials of engineering interest. Here, we divide heterogeneous solids into porous and ...
("constructible"solutions). Suchapossibilitycallsforamoreabstractlevelofalgebraicthought.Instead oftreatingequations,itisnecessarytotreatpropertiesofequations,sincethe goalistorecognisethepropertyofsolvability.Sincetheequationsarepolynomial equations,thisamountstostudyingthepropertiesofpolynomials.Thiswasdone ...