Rosemond, Mens Rea, and the Elements of ComplicityCriminal LawAccomplice LiabilityMens ReaThe confluence of two widely invoked federal statutes – one governing accomplice liability, the other imposing a sentencing enhancement when firearms are involvKit Kinports...
The "Principal and Subordinate Crime System"of our country is different from the accomplice system of Germany and Japan,which is mainly manifested in the substantive differences between classification methods and criminal evaluation. On the premise of lacking the general provisions of identity crime,it...
VM Provocation (heat of passion) (rp) Actually Provoked (subj) Not Sufficient time to cool off (obj) Did not cool off (subj) Accomplice Liability A person is liable as an accomplice if he AIDS OR ABETS a principal PRIOR TO OR DURING THE CRIME with the INTENT for the crime to be comm...