可以说,掌握Elements of Fiction,阅读和写作都掌握了半壁江山 。 运用Elements of Fiction 的练习模板,在平时的阅读中多去对应这些元素,锻炼语言的组织能力;写作的时候也可以先建构五要素框架,再根据构建的要素进行写作,逻辑更具条理性、思路更清晰。 2 资源 1. 《Little Red Riding Hood》这是一个适合1-2年级的...
ElementsofFiction Plotisatermtoindicatehowtheeventsarearrangedtoaffectthereader.Itisanartificialratherthananaturalorderingofevents.Itiscomposedoftwobasicaspectsofnarration:thesequence,i.e.thestorytoldinchronologicalorder,orwithalotofflashback,orinpsychicorder;thedevelopment,i.e.whetherinthetraditionallinearpattern(...
Part 1: Elements of Fiction: The Author, the Narrator and the Reader 上海外国语大学英语系知名教授虞建华、梅丽、程心等《英语短篇小说》课程,该课程共分12单元,每单元包括两个部分:“小说要素”和“作品赏读”,前者是关于短篇小说/小说的一些理论知识,后者是具体
第11章 Elements of Fiction(11) To understand the function of the point of view we've identified in a story,we need to ask why the author has chosen this particular point of view.An author's choice of a point of view may influence readers'perception of things.Many writers choose to use...
TheElementsofFiction Fictionreferstoanyimaginarywork portrayingcharactersandevents Classificationoffiction novelnoveletteshortstory TheElementsInclude:plotsettingpointofViewcharacterthemestyle PlotV.S.Story Story–thekingdiedandthenthequeendiedPlot–thekingdied,andthenthequeendied ofgrief PLOT Thesequenceofincidents...
第7章 Elements of Fiction(7) Main characters,especially those in novels,undergo change in the course of the story.They change through understanding either other characters,or themselves,or a particular situation in the story.This change on the part of the character often constitutes an insight int...
The Fifth Element of Fiction: Theme Themeis a hidden element, but incredibly important: in essence, theme is what your story is REALLY about. The plot is the outward details, e.g., “A son stands to inherit his father's vast business empire, but only if he can prove himself to be ...
Five Elements ofFiction:Plot, Setting, Character, Point of View, Theme I.Plot–How the author arranges events to develop the basic idea; it is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end. The short ...
Elements of Fiction Non-fiction ElementsofFiction&Non-fiction WhatisFiction?Fictionworksincludemade-upcharacters,andamade-upseriesofevents,calledtheplot.Fictionalwritingistold(narrated)byaspeakercalledthenarrator.Fictionistoldfromacertainperspective,orpointofview.First-personpointofviewisthe...