The Nature of a Christian Worldview, Christianity and the Elements of Philosophy.doi:10.13140/2.1.1793.7929Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie
Elements of Worldviews 學習指南 abygailrobertson 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 A pattern or arrangement of concepts, often leading to the rejection of Christianity in the form of an Anti-Christian stance 選擇正確的詞語 1 Naturalist's Worldview - Knowledge ...
world. In his 1917 workUnfading Light, theologian Sergei Bulgakov applies the label of immanentism to a whole range of religious, philosophical, and social currents, from Protestantism and mystic sectarianism on the one hand to Kantianism and Marxism on the other. Bulgakov saw them all as mer...
Świeżyński,Adamstudies in christian philosophy
The phrase "yizhong zuo shenghua" (lines 356–358) mirrors the Book of Acts' theme of "sanctification of the Gentiles," rooted in the Jewish dichotomous worldview, placing Jews, or Shihu Ren, at the center. The author's use of this phrase distinguishes him from yizhong ren (Gentiles) ...