4. The method of claim 3, wherein a gap between each of said optical fibers and a proximate wall of the capillary of said ferrule is less than about 1.5 μm. 5. The method of claim 4, wherein a gap between each of said optical fibers and an adjacent optical fiber is less than ...
. Many non-coding variants in individual genome sequences lie in Comparative genomic studies suggest that 3–8% of bases are under ENCODE-annotated functional regions; this number is at least as purifying (negative) selection4–8 and therefore may be functional, large as those that lie in ...
4.The method of claim 1, further comprising:sequentially selecting the at least one second unit element in the first direction when the reference unit element is not selected. 5.The method of claim 1, wherein the first value is an odd number and the second value is an even number. ... Master/Detail Index Example To index the document defined in this master/detail relationship, specify a column in the master table using the CREATE INDEX statement. The column you specify must be one of the allowed types. This example uses the body column, whose function is to...
March 4, 1998 Abstract Approximately one-third of the mammalian ge- nome is composed of highly repeated DNA sequences, of which the two major families, the long and short inter- spersed nucleotide elements (LINEs and SINEs), are repre- sented in humans by L1 and Alu elements respectively...
Study of cross-sectional and longitudinal distribution of some major and minor elements in the hair samples of haemodialysed patients with micro-PIXE† Janos Dombovari,*a Lajos Papp,a Imre Uzonyi,b Ildiko Borbely-Kiss,b Zoltan Elekes,b Zsuzsa Varga,c Janos Matyusc and Gyorgy Kakukc aLajos ...
s ability to care for themselves and participate in activities they choose at home and in their communities. OT strategies to achieve these goals cover a variety of approaches, including behavioral and movement interventions, problem-solving, and judicious use of assistive technologies. Environments ...
Further exploration of the SM repertoire of C. higginsianum lead to the identification Dallery et al. BMC Genomics (2017) 18:667 a b Page 11 of 22 c Fig. 4 Waves of expression of secondary metabolism (SM) genes of C. higginsianum during infection of Arabidopsis thaliana. a Heatmap ...
A carrier element (1; 10; 20) for growth of biofilm thereon is designed for free-flowing in liquid to be purified and has surfaces (3; 13) for biofilm growth which are
The designs range from the overall shape of biological structures at the large-scale, to intricate 3D architectural motifs at the small-scale1,2. The shape of scales and claws3,4, the truss-like internal structure of vulture wings5, the brick-and-mortar arrangement of min- eral tablets in...