MendeleevRare earth metalsEtherElement discoveryThis contribution gives a detailed account of the element predictions Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev made after setting up the periodic table of the elements in 1869, with a special focus on those that turned out to be unsuccessful. It is argued that most...
6h(6)The name mendelevium was suggested for the element, inhonor of the Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev.2.7 Nobelium (No) and lawrencium (Lr)The first report of the discovery of element 102 camefrom the Nobel Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. The researchgroup used the reaction of244Cm+13C...
C h e m i s t r y 1 A C h a p t e r 2 P a g e | 1 Chapter 2: Atoms and Elements Homework: Read Chapter 2: Work out sample/practice..
His prediction was found true as when these missing elements were discovered their properties were almost similar as predicted by Mendeleev.Besides this, he also found that after arranging the elements in a systemic manner, the elements repeat their physical and chemical properties after certain ...