Volatiles in the mantle are crucial for Earth's geodynamic and geochemical evolution. Understanding the deep recycling of volatiles is key for grasping mantle chemical heterogeneity, plate tectonics, and long-term planetary evolution. While subduction transfers abundant volatile elements from the Earth's...
Eucrites and diogenites are depleted in many volatile elements, but the depletions of many volatile siderophile elements are not well constrained. Although previous work indicated that the Vestan core equilibrated with its mantle in a global melting event, the possible contribution of core formation ...
In this paper, the distribution, abundance and occurrence states of U in mantle xenoliths are studied by ~(235)U fission track method, and the movement of mantle fluids is revealed by means of U-tracer, which is a representative of incompatible elements in the mantle. 在此基础上进一步把铀...
Bulk-rock Major and Trace Element Compositions of Abyssal Peridotites: Implications for Mantle Melting, Melt Extraction and Post-melting Processes Beneath ... This paper presents the first comprehensive major and trace element data for ~ 130 abyssal peridotite samples from the Pacific and Indian ocean...
Geochemistry of the NW Pacific Plate: Origins of Indian and Pacific Mantles and Nature of Their Boundary The source mantle of the ocean crust on the Pacific Plate is examined using Pb–Nd–Hf isotopes and compared to a global isotope database of ocean basalts... Jun-Ichi,KIMURA,Takashi,.....
Keep in mind, the elemental composition of the Earth's crust is not the same as the composition of the Earth. The mantle and core account for significantly more mass than the crust. The mantle is about 44.8% oxygen, 21.5% silicon, and 22.8% magnesium, with iron, aluminum, calcium, sodiu...
This paper discusses the latest research on the accretion and differentiation of terrestrial planets and multidisciplinary constraints on light elements in
What elements are in the Earth's inner core?The Earth's Layers:The earth can be subdivided into three layers. The thinnest and outermost of these layers is termed the crust. It lies above the mantle. Below the mantle lies the core which is the thickest layer of the earth....
In the present study, secular trends and jerks in the geomagnetic elements D, H and Z are investigated at the six Indian magnetic observatories using annual and monthly mean values for all days, quiet days and night base (night time mean). The residuals of all-day annual and monthly means...
Variation of Icelandic and Hawaiian magmatism: evidence for co-pulsation of mantle plumes? Based on published estimates of areal extent, thickness and dating of igneous rocks related to formation of the North Atlantic Volcanic Province, we calcul... R Mjelde,JI Faleide - 《Marine Geophysical Resea...