修改下单元公式和沙漏控制,再不行就加个interior 接触,涉及到的控制参数都复核一遍。
In mammals, the inactivation of the Piwi regulatory system in the germline of males leads to azoospermia (no production of mature gametes) due to a high rate of illegitimate pairing between non-homologous chromosomes at meiosis that trigger apoptosis [86]. Also, piRNA interacting protein expression...
Worldwide, black shales and shale waste are known to be a potential source of metals to the environment. This project demonstrates ongoing weathering and e
Large database studies confirmed that hydrogenetic nodules show positive Ce anomalies due to the preferential scavenging of Ce relative to La from seawater (Bau et al., 2014, Webb and Kamber, 2000, Yu et al., 2021). Previous investigations showed the linear enhancement of the negative Ce ...
Added automatic switch-off of in-memory adaptivity (INMEMRY = 1 on*CONTROL_ADAPTIVE) during lancing. This prevents the program from running into an error termination due to the lack of in-memory adaptivity support for lancing. Added automatic bypass of option ICRQ = 1 in*CONTROL_SHELLwhen us...
While compared with the above-mentioned remote sensing studies, it is noticed that the abundance of TiO22 needs to be accurately identified since it is probably spectral mixing due to regolith formation, as pointed out by Thiessen et al., 2014 [6]; besides, according to Wang and Wang, 2015...
While compared with the above-mentioned remote sensing studies, it is noticed that the abundance of TiO22 needs to be accurately identified since it is probably spectral mixing due to regolith formation, as pointed out by Thiessen et al., 2014 [6]; besides, according to Wang and Wang, 2015...
The Kineta streams presented a low degree of contamination, whereas Nea Peramos streams were moderately contaminated. The Cdegof Kineta streams (Cdeg= 5.18) was lower than Cdegof Nea Peramos streams (Cdeg= 7.84). A GIS elaboration showed that the contamination in Kineta streams is due to bot...
Although the transition to a CE is generally consistent with the ideas of sustainability and the goals of SD with both SD ideas and sustainability goals [18,21], the interdependence between sustainability and CE is not always clear due to differences in how CE is conceptualized [22,23]. This...