Periodic Table of the Elements Lesson Plan [PBS Learning Media]– Scavenger hunt and other learning plans.
I have had student groups build banners on the history of chemistry, design HyperCard stacks (there is an old one for you) on the elements and their compounds, create videos on elements, create 3D models of molecules and ancient Greek matter theorists, do interviews of experts on the history...
Copyright©Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,adivisionoftheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc.LessonPlansChemistry:MatterandChange•Chapter729Propertiesofs-BlockElementsLESSONPLANpages179–1851classsession(s)vv7.1Key:SE StudentEdition,TWE TeacherWraparoundEdition,TCR TeacherClassroomResourcesSectionObjectives•Explainhowelementsinagiven...