Medical Definition element noun el·e·mentˈel-ə-mənt 1 :any of the four substances air, water, fire, and earth formerly believed to compose the physical universe 2 :a constituent part: as a :any of more than 100 fundamental substances that consist of atoms of only one ...
*Chemicalprocessrefersto chemicalreactionorheat **Electricityrefersto electrolysis Elements Definitionofanelement: Anelementisapuresubstancewhich cannotbesplitupintotwoormore simplersubstancesbychemical means. Sugarisnotanelementasitcanbe brokendownintocarbonandwater. Notethatanelement: •Consistsofonlyonekind...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Common Elements Lesson for Kids: Names & Symbols Elements in Chemistry | Overview & Examples What is Atomic Radius? | Atomic Radius Examples & Periodic Trend What Is a Compound? - Lesson for Kids Start...
Elements Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into other substances Compounds Compounds are pure substances made of 2 or more elements chemically combined. Examples: CO2 is Carbon Dioxide CO is Carbon Monoxide C12H22O11 is Sugar Compounds In a compound, the properties are different...
Compounds Compounds are also pure substances. But compounds are made from more than one element. Water is a compound. Water can be broken down into simpler substances – hydrogen and oxygen. How are table sugar and table salt similar? How are table sugar and table salt different? How ...
Water consists of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. 水的组成元素有氢和氧。 the elementsnpl(adverse weather)SCSimplified Chinese糟糕的天气zāo gāo de tiān qì You need a waterproof jacket to protect you against the elements. 你需要一件防水夹克,免得碰到糟糕的天气。
The elemental semiconductors are those composed of single species of atoms, such as silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), and tin (Sn) in column IV and selenium (Se) and tellurium (Te) in column VI of the periodic table. There are, however, numerous compound semiconductors, which are composed ...
Learn about reactivity and know the definition of reactivity. Discover reactive elements, whether reactivity is a chemical property, and see...
a.the conversion of nitrogen in the air into a compound, esp a fertilizer b.the conversion of a free element into one of its compounds 5.(Chemistry) the reduction of a substance from a volatile or fluid form to a nonvolatile or solid form ...