padding-top: 10%; background-image: url(...
Tweak: Added Random order option to Gallery widget (#9269) Tweak: Updated Font Awesome Pro to v5.11.2 (#9578) Tweak: Added preselect support for multiple default select values in Forms Widget (#9324) Tweak: Avoid duplicate queries for Custom Icons (#9579) Tweak: Major performance improvement...
A nice touch is the subtle changes in the background colors — the homepage employs bright faded orange color, the bookings page uses a burning sand color, the about us page utilizes a chestnut red color, and the bookings page is painted in a macaw blue-green color, while finally the con...
添加文件:src\mock\member.js import Mock from 'mockjs' let adapters = [] adapters.push( (mockAdapter) => mockAdapter.onPost('/api/member/loadPage').reply(req => { let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let data = ? JSON.parse( : { size: 20 } le...
Section with background color A column with background color and inner section 2 columns Column 1: Headline, Text Column 2: Image The basic layout of the feature section In Elementor, you can set margin and padding for left, right, top and bottom. We need to customize these values fo...
Advanced Sticky Menu – Create eye-catching Sticky Header Effectscheck demos (scroll to see menu effects):Demo 1 – Replace Header on Scroll, change it’s background Color and make it Transparent, replace LogoDemo 2 – Shrink Logo, Shrink Header and Change its ColorDemo 3 – Only show Head...
Background Color: Choose the background color of the timeline card. Normal, Hover, and Active States. Border Radius: Set the roundness of the border corners of the timeline cards Box Shadow: Set the box-shadow options around the cards. Timeline: Card Style Settings Call To Action Text Colo...
Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Tooltip background color not changing when global color is used Fixed: EA Post Widgets | Extra attributes showing after load more button is pressed Few minor bug fix and improvementsMarch 08, 2022 v5.0.7 Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Social login error message ...
Header effects - Scale Header, Change Color, Shrink logo, Replace Header, Sticky header Parallax Image Background Multi Layer Parallax Sticky Section Particle Effects Custom CSS for Any Widget Upgrade to Pro Free Version Basic Functionality Basic Support Mega Menu Post Grid/Slider/Caro...
return bin2hex( random_bytes( 32 ) ); } public static function is_temporary_user( $user_ID ) : bool { return (bool) get_user_meta( $user_ID, '_temporary_login', true ); } public static function get_login_url( $user_ID ): string { $token = get_user_meta( $user_ID, '_tempo...