首先,找到表单右侧的“Edit Form”图标。右键单击它并选择Save as a Global: 另存为全局 这会将订阅表单添加到您的Global Settings。当您添加新页面或文章时,您只需转到GLOBAL,找到预先设计的表单,然后将其拖放到您想要的任何位置: 将全局表单拖放到您想要的任何位置 在考虑在您的网站上放置订阅表单的位置时,您可...
在WordPress网站后台点击Elementor中的settings 右侧点击Integration选项 可以看到有个reCHAPTCHA V3, 点击蓝色字体链接,可以到谷歌官方申请,最后会得到一个Site Key和secret key, 将这两个Key复制过来,并点击保存按钮 接下来打开包含elementor表单页面的Elementor编辑,右侧点击表单,在左侧表单Form Fields中,点击Add Item, ty...
在popup模板库里不要选择模板导入,直接点击右上角关闭 将heading和form元素加入到页面,如下图所示 6.设置需要用户必须填写的字段,并显示*标记;你也可以在左侧新增字段,默认情况下是name、email、message三个字段,建议字段不要过多,降低用户填写难度 7.将调整完毕的form元素右键存储为Global元素,以便于在其他地方重复使...
Create your website or online store, no coding needed. Elementor's intuitive website builder makes it easy for anyone. Start creating now!
Elementor is the leading website builder platform for professionals and business owners on WordPress. Whether you’re a developer, designer, marketer, or business owner, Elementor empowers you to create stunning, high-performing websites. With a new website created every 10 seconds, Elementor empow...
Welcome to the Elementor Developers Documentation Center. Here, you’ll find detailed documentation, clearly explaining how developers can leverage the wide-range of tools and options Elementor provides them.
Email Marketing > Settings > Integrations.How to set Elementor Pro Forms to Add Subscribers to SiteGround Email MarketingOnce you’ve confirmed the integration is active, you may setup any form created with it to start sending contacts to your SiteGround Email Marketing following the steps below:...
Elementor Pro Form. Error in Mailchimp after submit action when the email has been deleted from Mailchimpstatus/awaiting_triageIndicates when an Issue, Pull Request, or Discussion awaits to be triaged. #29910 openedJan 14, 2025byincircolo ...
Go on your form settings and deactivate the HTML5 on the Date field. Somewhere on that form page, add a HTML element and paste in the below code: <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.elementor-date-field.flatpickr-input').each(function(){ flatpickr(...
Learn how to add containers on your contact page, edit content, and insert a contact form. Step 10: Add a New Page in Elementor When you install the Astra theme, you get the essential pages by default. However, you might need some additional pages like testimonials, knowledge resources, or...