From PathfinderWiki (Redirected from Elemental plane) The Elemental Planes, pictured in the upper left of a map of the Great Beyond's planes. The term Elemental Plane refers to the planes of elemental air, wood, water, metal, earth, and fire located within the Inner Sphere of the Great...
Elementalsare creatures from one of theElemental Planesthat are made up completely of one of theelementsof air, earth, fire, water, wood, or metal. They do not have physical anatomies or features as most creatures and therefore cannot be stunned,poisoned, or paralysed, and do not breathe,...
"Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Mat - Elemental Planes Multi-Pack Find Your Element! Bring your players to the great beyond with Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Elemental Planes Multi-Pack! These four maps depicts an exciting location on one of the Elemental Planes.帕拉斯...
I still have a bunch of official Paizo Pathfinder 1e products includinga bunch of original, out of print Adventure Paths! Go now! Get someone a Christmas present! Get it here! This creature appears as a formless cloud of yellowish-red vapor or dust about 5 feet in diameter. Royal Time ...
Warlock Subclass You were unfortunate enough to land yourself in one of the many outer planes. You were lucky enough, however, to have found a "kindly" elemental or similar being to protect you on your way back home. It seems, however, that this elemental has invested some power in you,...