Warlock Subclass You were unfortunate enough to land yourself in one of the many outer planes. You were lucky enough, however, to have found a "kindly" elemental or similar being to protect you on your way back home. It seems, however, that this elemental has invested some power in you,...
This amounts to selecting planes parallel to the plane to cut the surface of interest. Obviously, the point at z where these cuts are made must lie in the range of the function (otherwise we would be slicing through empty space). Other than that, there is plenty of latitude to choose ...
The only other possibility is that the Inner Planes (where most elementals come from) would need to describe such a phenomenon that "pulls" rogue Elementals back to where they came from. But at least in the Player's Handbook, there's no such description. ##Conclusion Because the vanishing...
The humans of Khorvaire excrete and reproduce much as we do – so swear words related to those functions are just as applicable on Eberron as Earth. Setting-specifice swears generally invoke things that are unique to the world, whether that’s deities or planes. Looking to my novels, a fe...