Gem Fling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. Hit or Miss: Put down a marker within 5 feet of the target to represent a gemstone. Shatter. The elemental shatters a gemstone (see Gem Fling above) it can see within...
In addition, CuCl2 possesses the advantage of lower capital cost compared with the commonly used metal oxide additives. Yang et al. [14] developed a CuCl2-modified magnetosphere for elemental mercury removal. It performed optimally at 150 ◦C with the highest Hg0 Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, ...
Activated carbon is suggested to be the most suitable sorbent material for PASs, since it is low cost and provides a large surface area [30]. On the other hand, the amalgamation between Au and Hg is also considered as an effective alternative strategy to design mercury samplers, even if it...