Elemental Battlegrounds is a first person PVP game on Roblox made by a team of developers known as Gamer Robot. The team members include Robotmega, Mygame43, Juniorfive, Plokster, and Chrisppy. It is the continuation of the game 'Elemental Wars'. ...
Diamonds, sometimes referred to as Gems, are a type of currency in Elemental Battlegrounds. The player starts off with 150 Diamonds in the beginning of the game, allowing them to purchase any one of the three Starter Elements. Diamonds can be found in Dr
Wiki Article Nature Nature is a Common Fusion Element in Elemental Battlegrounds. Its color palette consists of green, yellow, red, white, and brown. Its medal depicts a tree. Nature is more of a support Element, with healing capabilities and the ability to trap enemies in order to help par...
Elements Maps Mechanics Others Like You Viewed Help:Interactive Maps Help:Changing your username Poseidon Rod Maria Robotnik Help:User rights Top Pages this Week Solar 1 Technology 2 Creation 3 Angel 4 Chaos 5 D Drops Heaven (Map) F Fire (Map) ...
Illusion 3 Spectrum 4 Technology 5 Advertisement Explore Elements Maps Mechanics Home View source Elements Explore the Elements! Read more > Welcome! Elemental Battlegroundsis a first person PVP game onRobloxmade by a team of developers known asGamer Robot. The team members include Robotmega, Mygam...