在 React 项目中,我们可以使用 element-resize-detector-react 这个封装库来方便地使用它。 在使用之前,需要先安装 element-resize-detector-react: ```npm install element-resize-detector-react``` 安装完成后,在需要使用的组件中引入并使用: ``` import { withResizeDetector } from 'element-resize-detector-...
react-container-dimensions Wrapper component that detects element resize and passes new dimensions down the tree. Based on [element-resize-detector](https://github.com/wnr/element-resize-detector) okonet •1.4.1•7 years ago•108dependents•MITpublished version1.4.1,7 years ago108dependentslic...
Use a function to pass width or height explicitely or do some calculation. Function callback will be called with an object{ width: number, height: number }as an argument and it expects the output to be a React Component or an element. ...
🔷 Detect and handle element size changes in Vue using ResizeObservers for optimal performance. Vue Resize Detector is based on the excellent React Resize Detector, and uses the ResizeObserver API (automatically polyfilled) to detect when a target element's size changes. This project is part of...