setup代码: import{reactive}from"vue";import{FormDesigner}from"element-plus-form-designer";import"element-plus-form-designer/dist/style.css";letdata=reactive({});//上传配置letuploadOptions={action:'http://localhost/UploadFile',getHeaders:function(){return{'token':'123456'};},getFileHook:(res)=...
"element-plus": "^1.3.0-beta.5", "element-plus": "^2.2.0", "vue": "^3.2.26", "vue3-ace-editor": "^2.2.2", "vuedraggable": "^4.1.0", 4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 4 src/App.vue @@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ let uploadOptions = { let controlGroups = [ { name...
基于vue3 和 element-plus 的表单设计器. Contribute to loogn/element-plus-form-designer development by creating an account on GitHub.
1.下载项目 git clone 2.环境依赖npm install --registry= 3.本地运行npm run dev 4.打包运行npm run build 捐赠支持 😀 你可以请作者喝杯咖啡表示鼓励 好书推荐
Latest version: 1.0.11, last published: 2 years ago. Start using @form-designer-vue/element-plus in your project by running `npm i @form-designer-vue/element-plus`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @form-designer-vue/element-plus.
基于Bpmn.js、Vue 3.x 、Element-plus 和vite的流程编辑器(前端部分),参考bpmn-process-designer,支持监听器,扩展属性,表单等配置,可自由扩展 demo 本版本是在bpmn-process-designervue2 基础上修改,稍微做了些改动,感谢 @MiyueFE 1. 安装依赖 npm install ...
Everright-formEditor is a free and open source javascript visual low-code editor. It can create forms with simple operations through the GUI interface. It has a flexible interaction. The PC depends on element-plus while the mobile depends on vant. There is a set of adapters to convert param...
基于Vue3.x + Vite + bpmn-js + element-plus + tsx 实现的Activiti流程设计器(Activiti process designer based on Vue3.x + Vite + BPMN-JS + Element-Plus + TSX implementation) - Yiuman/bpmn-vue-activiti
Vite + TypeScript + Vue3 + Element-plus制作的可视化表单生成器; 预览地址 项目所需依赖 注意:项目中需先添加ElementPlus与ElementIcon的依赖 快速开始 下载 npm i vains-form-designer main.ts/main.js引入 importAppfrom'./App.vue';import{ createApp }from'vue';importElementPlusfrom'element-plus';impo...