Element Spawn Command Element is used in 81 recipes Astrocetus Tek Saddle Astrodelphis Saddle Astrodelphis Starwing Saddle Behemoth Tek Gate Behemoth Tek Gateway Cloning Chamber Cruise Missile Element Shard Federation Exo Boots Federation Exo Helmet Federation Exo-Chestpiece Federation Exo-Gloves Federation...
Small mod for inter-cluster element transfer. We work on creating extensions for Ark ASE. We will soon bring news to Ark ASA. Visit our discord for more information: https://discord.gg/aZJAW8AJPmCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the ...
Element, Element Shards, and Element Power Nodesare fully transferable, stack size increased 10x (element - 1000, shards 10k, power nodes 100). Thanks to everyone who's downloaded, I'm excited to bring this QoL update to AsA! Join the discord for FAQs, support, and update news!
Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ Element Dust Tips & Strategies682 points Oct 11, 2020 Report Saw a guy on reddit who bred 2 tek parasaurs constantly and when the babies died he would farm them for dust and scrap metal. Ruthless, but ...