element-pro-components 是一个基于 element-plus, vue, vue-router 的一个适用于中后台开发的一套组件库。免费、开源、提供完善的文档,适用于快速开发中后台项目中的布局界面、表单、表格及Crud Vue element-plus admin 后台 https://tolking.github.io/element-pro-components/ TypeScript 等4 种语言 MIT...
A component library for Vue 3 base on element-plus - element-pro-components/demo/Menu/mode.vue at main · tolking/element-pro-components
element-pro-components 是一个基于 element-plus, vue, vue-router 的一个适用于中后台开发的一套组件库
{...plugins:[["import",{libraryName:"vue-element-pro-components",// 默认打包是lib,不用更改libraryDirectory:"lib",// 如果有样式文件,因为打包后样式统一放在/lib/theme下,所以需要稍微转换下style:(name,file)=>{constlibDirIndex=name.lastIndexOf("/");constlibDir=name.substring(0,libDirIndex);...
element-pro-components (Beta) Installation Usage Development project License element-pro-components (Beta) a component library for Vue 3 base on element-plus Documentation | Changelog Installation yarn add element-pro-components # or npm i element-pro-components Usage import { createApp } from ...
element14 Philippines - We’re a fast and reliable distributor of products and technology for electronic and industrial system design, maintenance, and repair. The right components for tomorrow’s success.
element14 Malaysia - We’re a fast and reliable distributor of products and technology for electronic and industrial system design, maintenance, and repair. The right components for tomorrow’s success.
Multicomp Pro (NewarkFarnell) provides products and components that have been designed to meet the quality standards engineers require and the value they need. Quality - 97% would “recommend to a colleague” Value - Savings now and over the life of the product ...
element14 Singapore - We’re a fast and reliable distributor of products and technology for electronic and industrial system design, maintenance, and repair. The right components for tomorrow’s success.
Audio Element is second generation expertise in Hi-Fi. With two locations in Pasadena, CA and Carlsbad, CA, we specialize in quality audio products and expert setup. Our approach is aligning the value a person places on music in their life with sound components that can deliver the most natu...