{ label: "权限名称", prop: 'menuPowerName', type: 'text' }, { label: "所属菜单", prop: 'menuId', type: 'select', options: dataList, valueKey: 'id', labelKey: 'menuName' }, { label: "创建时间", prop: 'dateTime', type: 'date' }, ] export { columnsData, queryData } 1...
Win32_PowerPlan class (Windows) Win32_PowerSettingElementSettingDataIndex class (Windows) Win32_ServiceSpecification class (Windows) Win32_TypeLibraryAction class (Windows) HCLUSENUM structure (Windows) HNODEENUMEX structure (Windows) IStartMenuPinnedList Flat Scroll Bars B (Windows) Determining Wheth...
NameScope NullableBoolConverter 点 PointConverter PowerLineStatus PresentationSource PropertyChangedCallback PropertyMetadata PropertyPath PropertyPathConverter QueryContinueDragEventArgs QueryContinueDragEventHandler 可读性 ReasonSessionEnding Rect RectConverter RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs RequestBringIntoViewEventHandler ResizeMo...
Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of styles for the current element. TabIndex Gets or sets the location of this element in the tab order. TagName Gets the name of the HTML tag. Methods Expand table AppendChild(HtmlElement) Adds an element to another element's subtree. AttachEventHa...
Name 获取或设置此集合的名称。 (继承自 NamedServiceModelExtensionCollectionElement<TServiceModelExtensionElement>) Properties 获取一个 ConfigurationPropertyCollection 实例,该实例包含一个 ConfigurationProperty 对象集合,这些对象可以是此配置元素的属性或 ConfigurationElement 对象。 (继承自 NamedServiceModelExtension...
Name 获取或设置元素的标识名称。 该名称提供实例引用,以便在分析 XAML 期间构造元素后,编程代码隐藏(如事件处理程序代码)可以引用该元素。 (继承自 FrameworkContentElement) OverridesDefaultStyle 获取或设置一个值,该值指示此元素是否合并了主题样式的样式属性。 (继承自 FrameworkContentElement) Parent 获取此...
name 設定或擷取框架名稱。 TypeScript 複製 name: string 屬性值 string referrerPolicy TypeScript 複製 referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy 屬性值 ReferrerPolicy sandbox TypeScript 複製 sandbox: DOMTokenList 屬性值 DOMTokenList scrolling 警告 此API 現已淘汰。 設定或擷取框架是否可以捲動。 TypeScript 複製 ...
@ohos.power (系统电源管理) @ohos.runningLock (Runninglock锁) @ohos.sensor (传感器) @ohos.settings (设置数据项名称) @ohos.stationary (设备状态感知框架) @ohos.thermal (热管理) @ohos.usbManager (USB管理) @ohos.vibrator (振动) 帐号管理 @ohos.ac...
@ohos.power (系统电源管理) @ohos.runningLock (Runninglock锁) @ohos.sensor (传感器) @ohos.settings (设置数据项名称) @ohos.stationary (设备状态感知框架) @ohos.thermal (热管理) @ohos.usbManager (USB管理) @ohos.vibrator (振动) 帐号管理 @ohos.account.appAccount ...
Update power level default for public rooms. (#16907) Improve event validation. (#16908) Multi-worker-docker-container: disable log buffering. (#16919) Refactor state delta calculation in /sync handler. (#16929) Clarify docs for some room state functions. (#16950) Specify IP subnets in canon...