<el-dialog v-model="dialog" append-to-body :modal="props.dialogConfig.dialogModal" :close-on-click-modal="props.dialogConfig.dialogClickModalClose" :close-on-press-escape="props.dialogConfig.dialogESCModalClose" :draggable="props.dialogConfig.dialogDraggable" :show-close="props.dialogConfig.dialo...
typescript vue3 VueDraggable 报错 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'element') Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'element') nnot read properties of null (reading 'index') 错误写法 就是说子组件需要用div包着,你用其他东西,他无法添加key,然后就会...
🔥 全面ESM+Vue3+Vite+Element-Plus+TypeScript编写的一款后台管理系统(兼容移动端) - chore: 适配最新版`element-plus v2.6.0` · Leo501/vue-pure-admin@b5645b1
<el-dialog v-model="visible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :title="form.jobId ? $t('common.editBtn') : $t('common.addBtn')" draggable> <el-form ref="dataFormRef" :model="form" :rules="dataRules" formDialogRef label-width="120px" v-loading="loading"> <el-row :gutter="20...
"element-plus" , "version" : "2.1.4" , "contributions" :{ "html" :{ "types-syntax" : "typescript" , "description-markup" : "markdown" , "tags" :[{ "name" : "el-affix" , "source" :{ "symbol" : "elaffix" }, "description" : "fix the element to a specific visible area...
Components [message-box] uncaught on draggable (#14618 by @betavs) Components [select-v2] label error when value not in the options (#14656 by @tolking) Components [rate] Fix the background rate when decimal (#14622 by @cc-hearts) Components [dialog] fix el-dialog z-index bug (#1437...
605 - Dialog 606 - 增加`draggable`、`height`、`min-width`、`max-width`、`min-height`、`max-height` 属性 607 - Collapse 608 - 增加`icon-text`、`open-text`、`close-text`、`icon-trigger`、`card` 属性 609 - Message 610 - 增加`min-width`、`max-width` 属性 611 - Dropdown 612...
element plus树形控件 element tree树形控件 1.渲染树形控件树形控件的结构是一层层嵌套的,官网上定义好的结构中属性名我们无法更改,实际开发中后台返回的字段名与属性名也会不一致,这里我们用到了“递归”的方法将结构中的属性赋予实际开发中的值。(1)树形结构如下:<el-tree v-model="form.treeData" :data="...
Components [message-box] uncaught on draggable (#14618 by @betavs) Components [select-v2] label error when value not in the options (#14656 by @tolking) Components [rate] Fix the background rate when decimal (#14622 by @cc-hearts) Components [dialog] fix el-dialog z-index bug (#1437...
Element-plus exposing ElSubMenu component (#11100 by @tolking) Refactors Components [cascader] use script-setup syntax (#11013 by @chenxch) 2.2.27 2022-12-16 Features Components el-image support set zoom-rate (#10930 by @JiatLn) Bug fixes Components [notification] option zIndex for noti...