n. 1) anessentialrequirementto acauseofaction(therighttobringalawsuittoenforceaparticularright).Eachcauseofaction(negligence,breachofcontract,trespass,assault,etc.)ismadeup of abasicsetofelementswhichmustbeallegedandproved.Eachchargeof acriminaloffenserequiresallegationandproofofitselements.2)essentialrequirem...
选项 A 中的“Offer and acceptance”(要约与承诺)、选项 B 的“Consideration”(对价)和选项 D 的“Legal capacity”(法定资格)都是商务合同的必要元素,而“Good intentions”(良好的意图)并非必要要素。在商务活动中,明确合同的必要要素对于保障合同的有效性和可执行性至关重要。
Element Definition and Legal Meaning On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Element, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Element? n. 1) an essential requirement to a cause of action (the right to bring a lawsuit to enforce a...
At the same time, the essential elements of the Agreement are distinguished from its validity elements. Taking our stand upon the purpose which grounds the entering into of a specific leg...
Intention to create a legal relationship is one of theessential elementof a contract. 产生法律关系的意图是合同基本要素之一. 互联网 Teamwork at all levels has been anessential elementof the campaign's development and progress. 各阶层的团队合作,是这项运动进展不可或缺的元素. ...
based on the rule of law, a foundation for the enjoyment of other rights, including the right to a fair trial, and an important safeguard that ensures fundamental fairness and public trust in the criminal justice process,c States should guarantee the right to legal aid in their national[......
loss of programs or data) even if we or any other party have been advised on the possibility thereof, without regard to the form of action and whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this website, the delay or inability ...
three-quarter binding - the spine and much of the sides are a different material from the rest of the cover Adj. 1. binding - executed with proper legal authority; "a binding contract" valid - well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; "a valid inference"; "a valid argumen...
of promises between two or more parties that the law will enforce. For acontractto be formed an offer made must be backed with an acceptance of which there must be consideration. Both parties involved must intend to create legal relation on a lawful matter which must be entere...
FHE - Forward Headquarters Element. Looking for abbreviations of FHE? It is Forward Headquarters Element. Forward Headquarters Element listed as FHE