MATLAB Online에서 열기 hi! i have a vector % A=[1 2 3 98 99 102] i calculate the difference betwen thelement with the functiondiff % B=[ 1 1 95 1 3] how could i manipulte vector A in this manner % BB=[A(1) A(1)+B(1)*5 A(2)+B(2)*5 A(3)+B(3)*5.....
首先MATLAB英文全是大写 其次这个代码是新手写的,不建议学习 你那个代码可以简化成Element=[(1:t)';(2:t+1)']或者Element=[1:t,2:t+1]’举个例子:当t=3时,Element是这样的矩阵 [1 2 2 3 3 4]
Matlab: access ith-element返回索引超出矩阵维度 在MATLAB中,当我们尝试访问矩阵中的第i个元素时,如果索引超出了矩阵的维度,MATLAB会返回一个错误。这是因为MATLAB中的矩阵索引是从1开始的,而不是从0开始的。 例如,如果我们有一个3x3的矩阵A: A = 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 如果我们尝试访问第4...
I am a beginner to MATLAB and I'm probably trying to run before I can walk here, however, I need to calculate this equation below and I have found no explanations online: Where, WP and Op are vectors with 8760 iterations each. I want to conduct this equation f...
Finite Element Programming With MATLABFish, JacobBelytschko, Ted
Using the given MATLAB code, we first initialize a 2-dimensional array having 3 rows and 3 columns. After that, we append an element at the index (4,2). The resultant array will have a new row appending element 9 horizontally at the location (4,2). ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: according to your example, i think s would be only product of each element of a row. 테마복사 N=2; AA=randi(10,2^N,3); % random matrix generation m=sum(AA(:,:),2); % sum of the elements for each ...
to compare each element of A with its corresponding element in B, so in elements (1,1) in A and B are 1 and 7 respectively. Of the 2 values, 7 is the largest and there will be the value being placed into the same position in matrix C. I must do the same for each element as...
This book illustrates how MATLAB compact and powerful programming framework can be very useful in the finite element analysis of solids and structures, introduces finite element concepts and an extensive list of MATLAB codes and solves laminated and func
Matlab codes for Finite Element Analysis 1. Basic steps of finite element problem Define a set of elements connected at nodes For each element, computestiffness matrix '^' allowed only in math mode $\textbf{K^e}$ , andforce vector