(Nuclear Physics) a transuranic element artificially produced by neutron bombardment of plutonium. Symbol: Fm; atomic no: 100; half-life of most stable isotope,257Fm: 80 days (approx.) [C20: named after Enrico Fermi] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©...
Element 117, for example, has a half-life of about 50 thousandths of a second, meaning that within that time about half of it will decay into a lighter element. A US–Russian team first created element 117 in 20101 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. The ...
This suggested a new statistical analysis indicating that (1) the size of the insert, the position and the interactions of the insert with the genetic backgrounds into which the P-element are inserted have effects on lifespan similar to those attributed to overexpression; (2) these effects ...
Nobelium and Lawrencium Other elements besides polonium actually emit more particles, such as nobelium and lawrencium. The half-life for these elements is measured in mere minutes! Contrast this with the half-life of polonium, which is 138.39 days. Element Number 118 According to the Periodic ...
Thus, an economical explanation of the nature of Mo is that it is a modi- fied P element which puts a form of P transposase with an usually long half-life into the egg, which then causes precise excisions of the elements from Sfl in the zygote. The combination of sn and Mo suggests...
so half ihm das gleichwohl wenig, weil sie ihn in den Schlaf hinein verfolgten; er konnte aufwachen, in Angstschweiß gebadet, weil er im Traum in der einen oder anderen Form gerade die Mißbilligung erlebt hatte, die er in wachem Zustand zu vergessen gesucht.“ Google Scholar ...
thereby contributes to the transient stabilization of cytokine mRNAs by inhibiting TTP function. TTP-deficient mouse macrophages exhibit a prolonged TNFα mRNA half-life, although transcription of the TNFα gene is not affected[50]. Table 1.RNA-binding proteins and their mRNA targets....
The modulus of elasticity of some materials changes under tensile and compressive states is simulated by constructing a typical material nonlinearity in a numerical analysis in this paper. The meshless Finite Block Method (FBM) has been developed to deal with 3D semi-infinite structures in the bimo...
Quality of life following femoral osteotomy and total hip arthroplasty for nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. J. Orthop. Sci. 2008, 13, 116–121. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 6. Floerkemeier, T.; Lutz, A.; Nackenhorst, U.; Thorey, F.; Waizy, H.; Windhagen, H.; von Lewinski...
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