An electric motor has a built-on multi-stage gear which includes a pinion (6) mounted on the output shaft (4) of the motor. The pinion drives a first intermediate wheel (8) which is provided with a second pinion (12) and mounted on an intermediate shaft (9) arranged at the motor ...
Kind Code: D1 Abstract: A drive axle adapted for use in hybrid vehicles and having an electric motor and a gearbox packaged within a common housing assembly. The gearbox includes a differential assembly driven by a planetary-type reduction unit. The reduction unit includes a first planetary gear...
The rail vehicle can operate in dual mode, i.e., either with diesel power or with DC or AC electric power derived from a catenary. The diesel engine can function as a continuous engine brake by reversing the current flow in the current converter device.JOECKEL ANDREAS...
Drageemaschine mit elektro-stirnradgetriebemotor-antrieb. Coating machine with electro-helical geared motor-driveEduard Seyffert
ELEKTRONISCHE SCHALTUNGSANORDNUNG FUER FUSSBODENPFLEGEGERAETE MIT EINER VON EINEM ELEKTROMOTOR ANGETRIEBENEN BUERSTENEINRICHTUNGThe motor driving the rotary brushes inside the carpet cleaning machine uses a control circuit which monitors its speed and the load applied, so that a warning is given when ...
Entwicklung eines stufenlosen Tretlagergetriebes für LEV's (z. B. Fahrrder, Pedelecs und E-Bikes) mit integrierbarem Elektromotor mit einer Gesamtübersetzung grer als 200%, einer Gesamtmasse kleiner als 5 kg inkl. Elektromotor und einem Wirkungsgrad grer als 90%. Realisiert wird dies ...
Elektromechanisches Compound-Split-Hybridgetriebe mit zwei Betriebsarten und integrierter ElektromotorkupplungA two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical transmission utilizes an input member for receiving power from an engine, and an output member for delivering power from the transmission. First and...