This template is designed to offer an aesthetically pleasing resume that adheres to a formal and institutional tone, making it suitable for applications to c...
它是完全分层和可编辑的一块一块。所以如果你不喜欢颜色组合,你可以根据需要轻松地改变它们。 文件信息: 简历+求职信 300 DPI的分辨率 CMYK色彩模式 完全打印就绪文件 免费的图片使用 尺寸8.27×11.69 in (A4尺寸) EPS, PSD和msword 超级容易编辑或定制 帮助指南包括和非常好的组织文件。 兼容 DOC – msword 97...
优雅的简历模板 Elegant resume template 这组优雅而专业的简历模板会让您的简历更引人注目!该合集包括一个简历样本,封面信和参考的例子,都是漂亮的花卉主题。 这个模板很容易改变颜色,布局和字体,以适应您的设计需要。可以在Microsoft Word和adobeillustrator中工作。
一份简洁优雅的简历模板 Elegant Resume Template 本模板帮助您在申请理想职业时留下良好的印象。我们的目标是通过现代的设计与传业的经验,为您的所有的信息内容提供足够的空间,达到精致和优雅的目的。 包含专业设计且易于定制的源文件:一页式简历模板和一页式求职信模板、30+图标包及你收到两个独特的网页! A4纸张...
Resume Template Size:A4 File Type:PSD, AI, DOC, EPS Resolution:300 dpi Color Mode:CMYK Print Ready:Yes Free Font:Yes Editable:Yes Vector:Yes File Size:9.7 Mb File Format:Rar Credit:Design Park [download id=”44432″] 27shares Facebook ...
Free elegant resume template with premium design.Inspired by wireframing kits design. Everything is carefully layered, so it’s super easy to edit in PSD file format. This free resume has a side column for your personal info, skiils, education especially useful if you’d like to promote your...
生命周期相关的事件,只有页面处于激活状态才会收到事件,如果在页面非激活状态时有事件发生,等页面激活(OnResume)时会收到事件。 ElegantBus.getDefault("EventA").observe(this, new ObserverWrapper<Object>() { @Override public void onChanged(final Object value) { ElegantLog.d(value.toString()); } })...
resume.tex zh_CN-Adobefonts_external.sty zh_CN-Adobefonts_internal.sty README MIT license Résumé Hit branchzh_CNif you wanna an Simplified Chinese résumé. 中文用户请前往zh_CN分支。 An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template, compiled with \XeLaTeX. Inspired by ...
Dark Resume Template Freebie – Elegant Dark Grey Elegance. It is what we often think of when we envision a Rolex watch, a black limousine, or a luxurious black gown or tuxedo. We do not often think of “elegant” in terms of resumes and CV’s. After all, they are just documents ...
If you're looking for great examples of resumes, this is one that will capture an employers' attention. Use this accessible template to present your talents and experience in quick and easy-to-read sections. You can quantify your skills with an infographic that will impress and inform. These...