Niels Bohr built the first quantum mechanical model of the atom, which demanded that electrons occupy definite orbits. Light is emitted or absorbed when an electron jumps between levels. Wave-Particle Duality Quantum physics established the principle of wave-particle duality or the matter wave: parti...
Planck's constant has the same units as angular momentum, or the momentum of an object moving in a circle. So Bohr imported this idea to electrons orbiting a nucleus, saying that the smallest possible orbit of an electron would equal the angular momentum of exactly one Planck constant. Higher...
Strictly speaking, the Bohr model does not apply, because the neutral atom contains 11 electrons instead of a single electron. However, we can apply the model to the outermost electron as an appro What is the energy of the electron in a Li++ ion in the n = 2 principal...
Atom - Electrons, Orbitals, Energy: Unlike planets orbiting the Sun, electrons cannot be at any arbitrary distance from the nucleus; they can exist only in certain specific locations called allowed orbits. This property, first explained by Danish physici