Energetic particle data are analysed for 13–27 MeV protons and -0.5 MeV electrons. For the regions in space encountered during these events the mean free path of electrons is smaller than that of protons. Straight interpolation between the two rigidities leads to a rather flat rigidity ...
The atoms of every chemical element have an equal number of negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons - they are therefore electrically neutral. Mass Electrons have a tiny mass: 9.109 x 10-31 kg (to four significant figures). Even compared with protons, the electron mass is...
Growth of the cable bacteria is associated with an oxidation of sulfide minerals that is much faster than could be accounted for by diffusive processes, and an increase in pH in the oxic zone, consistent with the consumption of protons during oxygen reduction to water (Pfeffer et al., 2012;...
While if it had more electrons than protons, it would have an overall negative charge. Atoms with positive or negative charges are called ions. But for atoms they are always neutral and the number of protons equals the number of electrons. In terms of mass, we see that protons and ...
stated earlier. We employ relativistic cold fluid equations for the ions assuming that the ion energies in the wave motion are much larger than the respective ion temperatures. We further assume that the spatial variations of the plasma parameters are along the longitudinal direction only (here alon...
Similarly, when oxygens are bonded to one another in O2O2, electrons are shared very equally. After the reaction, however, the electron-sharing picture looks quite different. Oxygen is much more electronegative than carbon, so the in the C=OC=O bonds of carbon dioxide, oxygen will “hog”...
We are used to work with quantization, not so much with infinities. A theory of everything would need to be able to work with such incredibly high energies, to work with infinities. Our current situation is as followed:Our physics, be it quantum or relativity, explain 4% of our ...
How much energy is released when tritium, 31H, decays by beta emission?Explain why many heavy nuclei undergo alpha decay but do not spontaneously emit neutrons or protons.In each of the parts of this question, a nucleus undergoes a nuclear decay...
Consequently, the background generated by the defocused protons is more substantial at higher plasma densities, such as the AWAKE baseline density of 7 × 1014 cm−3. At this density, the radiative flux on the scintillator due to the iris is much higher than that from the thin window...
2b); second, the upgoing electron flux for the same period is lower than the downgoing electron flux (Fig. 2c), bespeaking of a net upward field-aligned current; third, upgoing monoenergetic protons with energy of 1–10 keV (accelerated below the satellite) are present, while there are...