These highly skilled, technically trained airman work in over 80 Air Force specialties (AFSs) spanning 11 career fields. Furthermore, the depth and breadth of required EP training varies based on specialty needs. In short, the USAF spends vast amounts of money, manpower, and time to ensure ...
The AFSC Computer Programmer position requires at least ato pass, Technical Applications Specialist (9S100) jobs require a, and Air Force Cyber Warfare (1B4X1) positions require a minimumscore of 60. Every correct question is counted as one point, which means that the highest score possible is...
Electronic warfareJob analysisTrainingLightElectronic equipmentFlightDocumentsPersonnelUtilizationPersonnel developmentThis is a report of an occupational survey of the Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS) career ladder conducted by the Occupational Analysis Flight, Air Force Occupational Measurement Squadron. The ...