Electronic Payment Systems电子支付系统.ppt,Electronic Payment Systems Outline Types of money Fiduciary v. scriptural Token v. notational Types of payment systems Cash Credit cards SSL (TLS) protocol Intermediaries PayPal Smart cards Electronic Bill Prese
Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Understand the shifts that are occurring with regards to non-cash and online payments. 2. Discuss the players and processes involved in using credit cards online. 3. Discuss the different categories and potential uses of smart ca...
7、e basic configurations for processing online payments used by merchants:Own the payment softwareUse a point of sale system (POS) operated by an acquirerUse a POS operated by a payment service providerpayment service provider (PSP)A third-party service connecting a merchants EC system to the ...
Electronic Payment Systems电子支付系统 ElectronicPaymentSystems 20-751ECOMMERCETECHNOLOGY SUMMER2002 COPYRIGHT©2002MICHAELI.SHAMOS Outline •Typesofmoney –Fiduciaryv.scriptural–Tokenv.notational •Typesofpaymentsystems•Cash•Creditcards –SSL(TLS)protocol •Intermediaries –PayPal •Smartcards•...
33 p. 电子商务运营实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 李建忠 第3章 网络市场调研 39 p. 电子商务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 张璇 6.E-commerce Website 40 p. 电子商务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 张璇 2.Electronic Payment 5 p. 机电控制技术 教学课件 ppt 作者 吴年美 第三章 Sect.3 14 p. 机电控制技术 教...
(验证) payment card Merchant checks with payment card issuer To ensure that credit or funds are available Puts a hold (冻结) on credit line or the funds needed to cover the charge Settlement (清算) occurs Open and Closed Loop System Closed loop systems (封闭系统) Card issuer pays merchants...
1、Electronic Payment Systems and Security 电子支付系统和安全加密技术1网上支付原理Learning Objectives 学习目的Describe typical electronic payment systems for EC描述电子商务典型的电子支付系统Identify the security requirements for safe electronic payments 识别安全电子支付的安全要求Describe the typical security ...
In July 2014 the system was launched in Dongguan, and connects with e-commerce companies, logistics companies and payment platforms to capture accurate data and the status of cross-border e-commerce. From March 1, 2015, Shanghai Customs stressed that recipients of imported parcels should ...