theremin- an electronic musical instrument; melodies can be played by moving the right hand between two rods that serve as antennas to control pitch; the left hand controls phrasing Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
I was thinking of this while looking atSonic Pi, a musical instrument you play by coding. But back to the keyboard, the word processor, and the MP3 player. Those things aren’t so much revolutionary as they are evolutionary. Even something like digital photography isn’t all that revolutiona...
where it made the semifinals of the Musical Instrument Challenge. PolyMod is a customizable, modular synthesizer that uses digital rather than analog circuitry. That seemingly simple
British electronic producer Sam Shepherd has always exerted remarkable control over his meticulous musical output as Floating Points: With his favored instrument, the Buchla modular synthesizer, he can contour sound waves and alter circuitry to suit his needs. But Shepherd, like the rest of us, has...
In 1971, the first e-mail message was typed into the Teletype terminal connected to the Digital Equipment PDP-10 toward the back of the room in the following picture. The message was transmitted via ARPAnet, the progenitor of the Internet, to the PDP-10 in front. Dan Murphy, a Digital ...
The worddehumanization becameaprominentterm in the critical discours-es on electronic media and music. Thesedebates, whichIwill outline in the fol-lowing section, markedathreshold of music history and culture industries.Thisconsideration is basedonthe hypothesis that cultural thresholdsare typically...
Dan Charnas (with musical analysis by Jeff Peretz),Dilla Time: The Life And Afterlife Of J Dilla, The Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm*. In Charnas’ telling, Dilla emerges as an innovator who laid down new paths for neo-soul and conceptual hip-hop, via his subtle yet unsettling ...
I poke fun at the instrument, but the piece is a homage to the banjo as well. I use very non traditional musical styles, but use traditional styles associated with the banjo. And, the biggest irony is pairing it with electronics as the banjo is used traditionally with other acoustic ...
‘The Entire City’, this album displayed a much darker outlook; tracks like ‘Guts’ were faster, ‘Child’ more sinister, while ‘Belly Of The Beast’ offered an example of Bernholz favouring spoken word over singing. Detuned and distorted vocals created demonic conversations, pushing her ...