Details of goods and services for each item sold: Serial number of the item Indication whether it is a service supply SAC \ HSN code Quantity, unit of measure and unit price GST rate Applied charges or discounts Totals for invoice line The document total details containing itemization of invoi...
2176 Invalid HSN code(s)-{0} 1 Enter a valid HSN code. 2177 Invalid item unit code(s)-{0} 1 Enter a valid item unit code. 2178 Incorrect PIN code. Enter a valid PIN code. 2179 Invalid (CGGT, IGST, SGST) amount. Check the tax rates. Verify the tax rates in the transaction ...
Code: A 1279 Synonyms: Propanone CAS 67-64-1 Grade electronic grade Mol. Formula (CH3)2CO HSN Code 29141100 Purity 99.5%+ Mol. Weight 58.08 Packing Bottle / Drum GST Tax Rate 18% PackingsPrice (INR) 500 ml549.00 5 lt3708.00 25 ltPOR ...
On theGeneralFastTab, if the product type isItem, select a value in theHSN codefield. Set up tax registration numbers Details how to setup GSTIN master data can be found inCreate a GSTIN masterarticle . The below procedure illu...
Depending on their turnover, some companies might not be able to access IRP directly and must use additional options, such as integration with Goods and Services Tax (GST) Service Providers (GSPs). Registration of an e-Way Bill in IRP is supported as part of electronic invoice registration....
Depending on their turnover, some companies might not be able to access IRP directly and must use additional options, such as integration with Goods and Services Tax (GST) Service Providers (GSPs). Registration of an e-Way Bill in IRP is supported as part of electronic invoice registration....
legislation. Depending on their turnover, some companies might not be able to access IRP directly and must use additional options, such as integration with Goods and Services Tax (GST) Service Providers (GSPs). Registration of an e-Way Bill in IRP is supported as part of electronic invoice ...
Details of goods and services for each item sold: Serial number of the item Indication whether it is a service supply SAC \ HSN code Quantity, unit of measure and unit price GST rate Applied charges or discounts Totals for invoic...
Details of goods and services for each item sold: Serial number of the item Indication whether it is a service supply SAC \ HSN code Quantity, unit of measure and unit price GST rate Applied charges or discounts Totals for invoic...
vhbliemsauspecaoadllniazorbenideztahvbtieiysoupnaaolliazreizdabtiyona state, represent ansfitolamtthe,,etrrheepcrlpaehssesontootfsaenpnorstoihtmeivriescilsnausgsrfdoafceepvriwocmeassi.seiIxnnpgoodsreedvdeicrbetyso.tIhfnaebolrridgiceharttteoofafdacbiforfimecraeptneletaxpcosolemacrpuizl-eaxtisoencsu...