EDI (Electronic Data Interchange),即电子数据交换 一句话来说:机器取代人的无纸化贸易。 官方点来说:EDI 遵从特定的国际标准,将业务数据以文档数据的形式由交易的一方通过网络传输至交易的另一方。 EDI系统由通信模块、格式转换模块、数据同步模块三个模块组成。 通过计算机网络,在贸易伙伴的计算机网络系统之间进行数...
AS2是一个用于互联网的传输协议规范,通常用来发送电子数据交换(ElectronicDataInterchange,EDI)消息。 www.ibm.com 2. This is the sort of problem that was first solved by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems that used secured networks to operate. 这种问题首先由使用安全网路进行作业的「电子资料交换...
EDI is the direct application-to-application transmission of business documents. It uses a standardized data format (ANSI X12) that allows quick, accurate transmission of data from application to application, business to business. ANSI X12 gives you the most compatibility with es...
Edisoft is an international Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), software development, and system integration provider
EDI,全称 Electronic Data Interchange,中文名为电子数据交换。是指一种为商业或行政事务处理,按照一个公认的标准,形成结构化的事务处理或消息报文格式,从计算机到计算机的电子传输方法,也是计算机可识别的商业语言。简单地说,EDI 就是按照商定的协议,将商业文件标准化和格式化,并通过计算机网络,在...
EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange )称为A.有机贸易B.无纸贸易C.无机贸易D.国际贸易搜索 题目 EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange )称为 A.有机贸易B.无纸贸易C.无机贸易D.国际贸易 答案 B 解析收藏 反馈 分享
EDI是electronic data interchange的缩写,中文意思是A.电子数据采集B.物流信息管理C.电子数据交换D.管理信息系统
Information on characteristics of EDI systems operating; Firms employing them; Utilization in industries.HwangKyungTaePegelsC.CarlJournal of Systems ManagementHwang, Kyung Tae; Pegels, C Carl; Rao, Raghav; Sethi, Vijay, "Electronic Data Interchange Systems-State of the art." Journal of System ...
As a leading EDI company, 1 EDI Source is an expert provider of powerful EDI systems, software solutions, and services that lower costs and increase revenue for numerous businesses and industries. Whatever your unique needs, we have an EDI solution for y