Electronic configuration of elementsdoi:10.1094/MPMI-19-0062Pascale PracrosJol RenaudinSandrine EveillardArmand MourasMichel HernouldELSEVIERPhysics and Technology of Nuclear Materials
The authors report the enhanced energy storage performances of the target Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based multilayer ceramic capacitors achieved via the design of local polymorphic polarization configuration and the fabrication of prototype devices. Da Li , Zhaobo Liu & Di Zhou Article...
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Ko et al. recently introduced four datasets for systems exhibiting nonlocal charge transfer effects49. One of these systems consists of a diatomic Au cluster deposited on the surface of a periodic MgO(001) crystal (Au2–MgO). In its minimum energy configuration, the Au2cluster “stands upright...
The system’s finite element analysis reveals improved performance in lowering maximum temperatures, especially in an open medium configuration. The potential of PCM-based hybrid systems to improve battery performance and guarantee thermal stability under demanding circumstances is demonstrated by this work....
where Ecoh is the cohesive energy per atom of BN-doped configuration and Etot and E i represent total energies of a structure and of individual elements present within the same supercell, respectively. n i is the number of ith species present in the configuration, while n is the total numbe...
of a quantum computing system, we adopt the model of Ding and Chong (2020) for three reasons. First, it allows us to analytically distinguish the key components of a quantum component system to illustrate the fundamental mechanisms and elements. Second, it builds on an analytics distinction of...
Complex charge density waves in simple electronic systems of two-dimensional III2–VI3materials This study introduces a family of multiple charge-density-wave orders in 2D III2–VI3materials, including the chiral Star-of-David configuration. The charge-density-wave transitions involve both me...
The development of stretchable electronic devices is a critical area of research for wearable electronics, particularly electronic textiles (e-textiles), where electronic devices embedded in clothing need to stretch and bend with the body. While stretcha
Most of the excited electronic states lying at VUV equivalent energies are Rydberg states, i.e., states that arise as a result of electron promotion from the highest (or one of the highest) occupied molecular orbitals in the ground state configuration to nonbonding, spatially diffuse, atomic-...