如果你有一个 electron 项目,你可以在命令行中用下面的命令很容易地完成 electron 工具包的安装: npm install electron-toolkit——save-dev 1. ET 非常轻量,体积也小。诀窍在于: 它知道你想要发布一个 Electron 应用程序,所以它不会带来它自己的 Electron 二进制文件,它只会找到并重用你的应用所使用的 Electron...
import{exposeElectronAPI}from'@electron-toolkit/preload'exposeElectronAPI() Then, use the Electron APIs directly in the renderer process: // Send a message to the main process with no responsewindow.electron.ipcRenderer.send('electron:say','hello')// Send a message to the main process with ...
TSConfigs for Electron projects to extend. Requires TypeScript >= 4.5. Install: npm add -D @electron-toolkit/tsconfig Add one of the available configurations to yourtsconfig.json: The base configuration: "extends":"@electron-toolkit/tsconfig/tsconfig.json" Configuration for Browser environment (Rend...
npm i @electron-toolkit/utils APIs is dev Type: boolean,truewhenapp.isPackagedisfalse platform isWindows Type: boolean,truewhenprocess.platformiswin32 isMacOS Type: boolean,truewhenprocess.platformisdarwin isLinux Type: boolean,truewhenprocess.platformislinux ...
TSConfigs for Electron projects to extend. Requires TypeScript >= 4.5. Install: npm add -D @electron-toolkit/tsconfig Add one of the available configurations to yourtsconfig.json: The base configuration: "extends":"@electron-toolkit/tsconfig/tsconfig.json" ...
@electron-toolkit/preload是一个npm包,旨在为Electron应用的preload脚本提供一套便捷的工具和功能。Preload脚本是Electron中的一个关键概念,它允许你在渲染进程(renderer process)和主进程(main process)之间架起一座桥梁,同时限制对Electron API的直接访问,以提高安全性。 @electron-toolkit/preload可能提供以下功能: API暴...
Electron API should not be directly exposed using ontextBridge.exposeInMainWorld. Related 42804#issuecomment-2212587728 Proposed Solution Add some examples to documentation. Some (probably) reference in documentation: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/tutorial-preload https://www.electron...
Electron Tomography ToolKit (ETTK) Main components: virus_segment_membrane: segmentation of closed surfaces using min-cut/max-flow routines virus_segment_membrane_select_threshold: visualization of implicit surfaces to assess segmentation quality
To use Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in your applications, they must be registered in the browser window that they open. To do this, you must import the register functions for each component you want to use. To initialize theElectronContextBridgeProviderand register the Microsoft Graph Toolkit...