electron-forge是electron 的脚手架,类似于,react 的create-react-app或者vue 的vue-cli,所有配置文件都是已经配置好的,根据需求在往上添加就可以用了。如果加载本地磁盘资源用以上办法还是不太行的。需要再加上一个配置才行。 在forge.config.js或者package.json 设置plugins项,如下 { "plugins": [ [ "@electro...
根据上文指导,先以 typescript-webpack 模板创建一个项目,编辑新创建的tsconfig.json 文件,在compilerOptions部分添加键值对"jsx": "react" 添加依赖 npm install --save react react-dom npm install --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom # or yarn add react react-dom yarn add --dev @types/react...
Electron Forge 是一个用于 Electron 应用的项目初始化、打包和发布的脚手架工具。它能够帮助开发者从项目初始化到打包发布的全流程管理,并整合了 React、Vue、Webpack、TypeScript 等技术栈。下面是关于 Electron Forge 配置的详细解答: 一、Electron Forge 的基本概念和用途 Electron Forge 主要用于 Electron 应用的打...
无法在reactjs中获取顶部导航栏内联 破解在idea中无法加载spring cloud config中多环境配置之谜 先简单说一下spring cloud的配置中心的一些概念 Spring-cloud Config Server 有多种种配置方式, 1、config 默认Git加载通过spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri...指定配置信息存储的git地址,比如:https://github.com/...
I've created an Electron Forge App that wraps a React app but also should start a node.js local server when open. This works well when I run the app using npm start but when I run npm run make, the .exe file that's created generates multiple windows in a loop....
render( <React.StrictMode> <Provider store={store}> <Router> <Routes> <Route path='/main_window' element={<App />}> <Route index element={<HomePage />} /> <Route path='about' element={<AboutPage />} /> <Route path='login' element={<LoginPage />} /> <Rou...
"babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1", "electron-forge": "^5.2.4", "electron-prebuilt-compile": "8.2.0", "eslint": "^3.19.0", "eslint-config-airbnb": "^15.1.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.24.2", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^5.1.1", ...
react-native-macos: Not Found npmGlobalPackages: *react-native*: Not Found The Xcode software caused an error in the creation of the new RN project, despite it being a success. Error: Please ensure that the node is present in the bash PATH or that the NODE_BINARY environment variable is...
update react-typescript template (30516e78) make release script work on windows (0ff6a7ab)New Featuresstarter: automatically wipe the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE variable unless specified (c702fe4a) generic: Support setting the Electron app path in start() (47c5572e) allow third party modules to ...
Project Goals Starting with Electron should be as simple as a single command. Developers shouldn't have to worry about setting up build tooling, native module rebuilding, etc. Everything should "just work" for them out of the box. Everything from creating the project to packaging the project...