files: ["./main.js", "./dist"] extraFiles: [ // 把指定的资源复制到程序根目录,即把server文件夹的内容复制到程序根目录,这里server文件夹下的内容相当于我的后台,我在background.js中有相应的处理。 "./server", ], directories: { output: "dists", // 输出文件路径 }, win: { // win相关配...
要在电子构建文件夹中添加文件或文件夹,您可以在 package.json 中添加 extraFiles 选项。以下是复制“凭据”目录的示例: "build": { "appId": "com.example.electron-boilerplate", "files": [ "app/**/*", "node_modules/**/*", "package.json" ], "directories": { "buildResources": "resources"...
version: 20.4.1 I'm having trouble understanding some problems and restrictions that I ran into with files/extraFiles/extraResources configuration. I've read all possible documentations that I could find, and it still isn't clear to me. ...
Version: 22.10.4 Electron Version: 11.2.0 Electron Type (current, beta, nightly): current Target: macOS Universal I have universal binaries built from another project which I want to include via extraFiles, and have been doing so a while...
preCompressedFileExtensions=[".avi", ".mov", ".m4v", ".mp4", ".m4p", ".qt", ".mkv", ".webm", ".vmdk"]Array <字符串> | 字符串-将不被压缩的文件的文件扩展名。仅适用于extraResources和extraFiles文件。 unicode=trueBoolean-是否创建Unicode安装程序。
{ "output": "./elect_builder_output" }, "win": { "target": "portable", "icon": "ico.ico" }, "extraFiles": [ "dll" ] }, "dependencies": { "ffi": "^2.2.0" }, "devDependencies": { "electron": "~1.8.2", "electron-builder": "^20.2.0", "electron-packager": "^11.0.1...
preCompressedFileExtensions= [".avi", ".mov", ".m4v", ".mp4", ".m4p", ".qt", ".mkv", ".webm", ".vmdk"]Array <字符串> | 字符串-将不被压缩的文件的文件扩展名。仅适用于extraResources和extraFiles文件。 unicode= trueBoolean-是否创建Unicode安装程序。
['./**/*'],// extraFiles: [ // 把指定的资源复制到程序根目录,// {// from: './public',// to: './'// }// ],// extraFiles: [// {// from: 'postinst',// to: 'postinst',// // toType: 'file',// // mode: 0o755,// },// ],asar:true,electronDownload:{mirror:"...
To copy to the root please use new option extraFiles. appDir CLI is removed — use in the development package.json. sign CLI is removed — use build.osx.identity in the development package.json.3.27.0 (2016-05-26)
"extraFiles":["dist/manage"], "mac":{ "target":["dmg"], "artifactName":"${productName}-Mac-${version}-Installer.${ext}" }, "win":{ "target":[ { "target":"nsis", "arch":["x64"] } ], "artifactName":"${productName}-Windows-${version}-Setup.${ext}" ...