echo $DISPLAY 报错: ERROR Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink 'dist_electron/package.json' 方法1:以管理员权限运行打包命令 sudo your_packaging_command - 报错: ERROR Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink 'dist_electron/package.json'
unresponsive: 监听窗口是否失去响应,如果失去响应,则触发 onWindowError 事件并传递 WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE 作为错误类型。 render-process-gone: 监听窗口渲染进程是否异常退出,如果异常退出,则触发 onWindowError 事件并传递 WindowError.PROCESS_GONE 作为错误类型。 did-fail-load: 监听窗口是否加载失败,如果加载失败...
Windows 32 系统运行报错Error:resource\trtc_electron_sdk.node is not a valid Win32 application, 提示需要 32 位的 trtc_electron_sdk.node? 解决方法: 1. 进入到工程目录下的 trtc-electron-sdk 库目录下(xxx/node_modules/trtc-electron-sdk)。 执行: ...
各种折腾各种更换外部组件后开发环境能正常跑起来了,但是打包的时候却踩了一个莫名其妙的问题,那就是ERROR in unknown: Unexpected token (1979:65),是的你没有看错他并没有报出实际的错误位置和细节,这让我很是蛋疼,从昨天中午一直折腾到凌晨两点多都没有得到很好的解决。最后无奈使用网上原有的能打包的demo一...
对于这种情况,可能有2种解决方案:1.正在使用基本名称。第一个月 1.使用内存路由器代替浏览器路由器。
对于这种情况,可能有2种解决方案:1.正在使用基本名称。第一个月 1.使用内存路由器代替浏览器路由器。
When I integrate llvm-node with the electron to my application, it always reports an error caused by different NODE_MODULE_VERSION. The detailed message cab be found below. The llvm-node is a project wraps llvm as a native node module. Since the public version llvm-node is outdated, I cl...
// Set the error handler early enough so that we are not getting the // default electron error dialog popping up setUnexpectedErrorHandler(err => console.error(err)); // Create services const [instantiationService, instanceEnvironment, environmentMainService, configurationService, stateMainService, ...
throws the errornet::ERR_UNEXPECTED, butconsole.log(res)still works normal. If I cut the protocol handle function tomain.js, then this error never throwed. Testcase Gist URL No response Additional Information No response
The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10661 "(null)" UserInfo={_LSLine=3665, _LSFunction=_LSOpenStuffCallLocal}Rebuilding the app changing only Electron version to 10.1.5 makes the "prohibition sign" go away and the app can...