Electron spin resonance dating has been applied in Quaternary sciences for more than 30 years. The method is based on the time-dependent accumulation of trapped free electrons and holes in minerals. This article explains the underlying principles of the method and illustrates its contribution to ...
电子自旋共振(electron spin resonance,ESR),又称电子顺磁共振(electron paramagnetic resonance,EPR)。 分子中的电子大多都是成对的,根据泡利不相容原理(Pauli exclusion principle)或包立不兼容原理 ,每个电子对中的电子必为一个自旋向上,一个自旋向下,所以磁性互相抵消。 因此粒子有不成对电子时能表现磁共振的现象。
关键词: 电子自旋共振 , electron spin resonance , ESR , 电子顺磁共振 , electron paramagnetic resonance , EPR 在我们日常生活中常使用的许多塑胶材料,其制程中基本皆是自由基聚合反应生产的。假如可以直接观察到这种自由基聚合反应,将可以获得大量有用的讯息应用在制程或是材料的改良上。因此利用ESR来检测,虽然只...
海外直订Handbook of Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 2 电子自旋共振手册:第2卷 Poole,Charles P. Jr.著 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 中华商务图书专营店 店铺星级 商品评价4.9 高 物流履约4.2 中 ...
Ulrich RadtkeHelmut BrücknerSpringer NetherlandsSchellmann G, Radtke U, Brückner H (2011) Electron Spin Resonance Dating (ESR). In: Hopley D (ed) Encyclopedia of modern coral reefs: structure, form and process; Part 5. Springer, New York...
Proceedings of 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (APLED 2022) Last update 7 June 2024Guest Editors: Dr. Eren Șahiner Dr. Georgios S. Polymeris Dr. Constantin Athanassas Dr. Mathieu Duval Dr. Gaye Ö. Çakal Actions for selected articles Selec...
The reef tracts of Barbados have been investigated by electron spin resonance dating; all parameters necessary for ESR dating (including effective ±-efficiency and thermal stability) were determined without cross checking with another independent dating method. In addition, some U-series analyses were ...
A. (2011). Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (ESR) applied to human tooth enamel. Earth Sci. Res. SJ. 15 (2): 115 - 120.Carvajal E, Montes L, Almanza OA (2011) Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (ESR) applied to human tooth enamel. Earth Sci Res J 15: 115-...
Fig. 1: Molecular structures and electron spin resonance spectra. a Schematic diagram depicting the zero-field splitting (ZFS) of the lowest-lying triplet state (T1) into its three sublevels (Tx,y,z). The magnitude of the ZFS parameters, D and E, describes the splitting of the triplet su...
Electron spin resonance dating of Quaternary bone material from Tasmanian caves: a comparison with ages determined by aspartic acid racemization and C14. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, 155e162.GOEDE, A., and BADA, J.L., 1985, Electron spin resonance dating of Quaternary bone material ...