high-voltage electron microscope 高压电子显微镜相关短语 isotron (高压电场) 同位素分离器 slide (显微镜的) 玻璃片 total magnification (显微镜) 总放大倍数 Bertrand lens (偏光显微镜观察用) 伯特兰镜头 martensite (显微镜下所见炼钢中针状组织) 马丁体 glycerin immersion system (显微物镜) 甘油油浸系统 frequency...
W. B. PR~ISS. 1974. Reproducibility of electron microscope magnification with digital display of individual lens currents. J. Microsc. (Oxf.). 101:317.Reproducibility of electron microscope magnification with digital display of individual lens currents - DUNN, PRISS - 1974...
The emitted electrons are accelerated in the strong electric field between the sample and the first microscope lens (∼104 V mm−1), and are then imaged with magnification by electron optics, consisting of typically 2–4 electrostatic or magnetic lenses. A back focal plane aperture limits ...
US Patent 3,191,028: Scanning electron microscope by Albert V. Crewe, US Atomic Energy Commission, patented June 22, 1965. A higher magnification and resolution SEM design from the mid-1960s. This is a much more detailed description than the Ardenne patent with some great technical drawings....
Electrons travel down the evacuated microscope column where successive condenser and objective lenses reduce the beam spot size to several nanometers in diameter. Then it impinges on the specimen, converting its energy into electronic excitation of the surface layers. Depending on the magnification ...
The best specimen was transferred to a Titan Krios G3 electron microscope equipped with X-FEG. Images were recorded on a K3 camera (Gatan) operated in counting mode at a nominal magnification of 63,000, resulting in a pixel size of 1.484 Å per pixel. A Bioquantum post-column ...
The principle of operation of a scanning electron microscope is to scan the surface of a sample with the electron beam. Various types of signals are generated during the interaction of the electron beam with the sample substance: secondary electrons, backscattering electrons, and other signals detect...
Scanning electron microscope Surface picture above ~ 500 × on polished and etched samples; at all magnifications on high depth-of-field surfaces; accuracy and sensitivity of microchemical analysis 4 − 5 nm (conventional scanning electron microscope)2 − 3 nm (in-lens) 1 − 3 μm (EDS...
The lattice image of a single PE crystal taken at a direct magnification of 90 000 with a super-conducting cryo electron microscope (JEOL JEM-2000SCM) at 160 kV and 4.2 K. Inset is the corresponding optical diffractogram (OD) showing 110, 110 and 200 reflections 34.3.4 Some ...
The microscope was operated in Lorentz mode by using the first transfer lens of the aberration corrector as the main imaging lens. The objective lens was used to apply magnetic fields perpendicular to the sample which were precalibrated using a Hall probe. A liquid-nitrogen-cooled specimen holder...