Electron cannot display local images in dev mode since it doesn't load file:// urls while it is running a page from a non-file URL. Reproduction: Try to display an image e.g.: Proposed solution: Disable webSecurity in development mode: // backgound.js const window = new BrowserWindo...
PS:在electron-vue中,编译打包后的__dirname是asar所在绝对地址/dist/electron/。 编译打包后的Electron程序启动时候,发现在调用loadURL的时候会出现:ERR_FAILED(-2) 。 遂临时启动DevTool窗口查看控制台输出,发现类似如下错误: Not allowed to loadlocalresource: file://XXXXXX/app.asar/dir1/dir2/index.html ...
Linux Electron打包后页面无法加载,报错:Not allowed to load local resource 背景 使用electron-vue的时候,窗体创建后加载页面使用的是loadURL函数,并且传入的参数形如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 `file://${__dirname}/index.html` PS:在electron-vue中,编译打包后的__dirname是asar所在绝对地址/dist/electron/。
add html with local image like npm start in dev tools its have errorNot allowed to load local resource. This error not exist in production and packaged electron app Possible Solution (Not obligatory) the problem is here:https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/bl...
javascript复制代码// 在主进程中.const{BrowserWindow}=require('electron')constpath=require('path')constwin=newBrowserWindow({width:800,height:600})// Load a remote URLwin.loadURL('http://localhost:8000/')// Or load a local HTML filewin.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname,'../.....
{ image.onload = () => { const width = image.width; const height = image.height; image.width = maxWidth; image.height = image.height * (maxWidth / width); resolve({ width, height, image }); }; }); } async loadHandler(trueWidth, cb) { for (let i = 0; i < this.imgList...
这是一个 XSS To RCE 漏洞,主要是对于 webview 标签时处理不当导致在某些禁用 Node.js 集成的 Electron 应用程序中重新启用 Node.js 环境。 简单来说就是新创建窗口本来应该是继承父窗口的部分属性设置,如果父窗口设置了 nodeIntegration: false,则新创建的子窗口也是一样,但是在处理 webviews 时出现了问题,导...
smart unpack for local module with dll (#8645) (f4d40f9) win: corrupt .exe asar integrity file path from cross-platform build (#8689) (1d7f87c)(2024-11-07)Bug Fixesdocker build script unable to build node 18 image (#8665) (fb26f6a) use FileCopier for copying files and queue crea...
$ sudo ln-s /usr/local/nodejs/bin/npm /usr/local/bin 1.3 修改镜像源 编辑npm config修改镜像源: npm config edit 弹出配置文档,i编辑,esc退出编辑模式,:wq写入后退出。 electron_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/electron-builder-binaries_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron...
{ // 声明应用的初始化窗口尺寸 const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1280, height: 960, }); // 声明应用的主页面 mainWindow.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, '/static/index.html')); // mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); // 打开开发者工具};// 应用准备完成之后创建窗口app.when...