Now adding theblocked/need-reprolabel for this reason. After you make a test case, please link to it in a followup comment. This issue will be closed in 10 days if the above is not addressed.
I just upgraded Electron in my app to v33.3.1 and the React devtools work properly (except for#41613). That said, I'm not usingelectron-devtools-installer. I'm callingsession.fromPartition(partition).loadExtension()manually. mind sharing a demo repo? I cannot load it at all even using...
This is not implemented on Linux. 默认值为 true。 closable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is closable. This is not implemented on Linux. 默认值为 true。 focusable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以聚焦. 默认值为 true。在 Windows 中设置 focusable: false 也意味着设置了skipTaskbar: true.在 ...
When loading a page in the window directly, users may see the page load incrementally, which is not a good experience for a native app. To make the window display without visual flash, there are two solutions for different situations. ...
When working with Electron, it is important to understand that Electron is not a web browser. It allows you to build feature-rich desktop applications with familiar web technologies, but your code wields much greater power. JavaScript can access the filesystem, user shell, and more. This allow...
When working with Electron, it is important to understand that Electron is not a web browser. It allows you to build feature-rich desktop applications with familiar web technologies, but your code wields much greater power. JavaScript can access the filesystem, user shell, and more. This allow...
But having an external monitor alone is not enough to trigger the event. I must also open the application after connecting to an external monitor. For example, if I open VS Code while using my MBP with no external monitor... the application will perform as expected. Regardless if I ...
(this.isLoaded() &&this.getCollection()) {this.getCollection().insert(data);this.db.saveDatabase(); d.resolve(this.getCollection()); }else{ d.reject(newError('DB NOT READY')); }returnd.promise; }; }) .directive('savePassword', ['Storage',function(Storage) {returnfunction(scope, ...
Initialize in each renderer process at the beginning of the first JavaScript file loaded. BugSnag must be initialized in both the main processandthe renderer processes to capture all errors. Main process# constBugsnag=require('@bugsnag/electron/main') ...
Note: The specified preload script option will appear as preloadURL (not preload) in the webPreferences object emitted with this event.Event: 'did-attach-webview'Returns:event Event webContents WebContents - The guest web contents that is used by the <webview>....