在Electron 中处理跨域问题,特别是在需要配置 HTTP 代理(httpproxy)的情况下,可以通过以下步骤来实现: 1. 理解 Electron 的跨域问题 在Electron 应用中,由于主进程和渲染进程是分开的,渲染进程(通常是 Web 页面)会受到同源策略(Same-Origin Policy)的限制,这可能导致跨域请求(CORS)被阻止。为了解决这个问题,我们通常...
npm i https-proxy-agent 在代码中使用需要加上rejectUnauthorized: false,否则可能会出现错误unable to verify the first certificateif(url.startsWith("https")){ req= https.request(url,{ method: "POST", rejectUnauthorized: false, headers: headers , agent: agent }); }else { req= http.request(...
1.electron不走代理 Mac电脑,系统设置了代理,终端也设置了代理,但是npm install的时候,electron就是不走代理,贼慢。看了下下载源代码,找到了解决办法。 2.解决办法 2.1 先设置终端走代理 exporthttps_proxy=
在终端设置http代理 +curl www.google.com,能正常返回内容即代表成功 chrome浏览器设置系统代理后,能正常访问相关站点即代表成功
HTTP MITM Proxy HTTP Man In The Middle (MITM) Proxy written in node.js. Supports capturing and modifying the request and response data. Install npm install --save electron-mitm-proxy Node.js Compatibility The library should work starting Node.js 8.x, but testing is only expected for currentl...
HTTP MITM Proxy HTTP Man In The Middle (MITM) Proxy written in node.js. Supports capturing and modifying the request and response data. Install npm install --save electron-mitm-proxy Node.js Compatibility The library should work starting Node.js 8.x, but testing is only expected for currentl...
Electron Proxy 是一个基于 Electron 框架开发的工具,主要用于内网穿透,提供跨平台的解决方案。它允许开发者设置任意本地端口的穿透,使得远程访问和服务暴露更加便捷。以下是关于 El...
A proxyhttp.Agentimplementation for HTTP and HTTPS, rewritten to work seamlessly withElectronAPI This module provides anhttp.Agentimplementation that uses thesession.resolveProxyAPI ofElectronto resolve which HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS proxy, or if a direct connection should be used to connect to the ...
1electron-proxy-agent 2=== 3### A proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP and HTTPS, 4rewritten to work seamlessly with [Electron](https://github.com/atom/electron) API 5 6This module provides an`http.Agent`implementation that uses the [session.resolveProxy](https://github.com/atom/...