quiet Do not print informational or warning messages tmpdir temp directory. Defaults to system temp directory, use --no-tmpdir to disable use of a temporary directory. * darwin/mas target platforms only * app-bundle-id bundle identifier to use in the app plist app-category-type the application...
-d, --debugEnable dev tools for all windows -s=[file], --settings=[file]Override default setting file -m=[file], --map=[file]Override default map file -c=[name or id], --character=[name or id]Load a character from character database, may be used multiple times to supply multiple...
写UI 及其简单方便好看
User press CMD + R, browser window should receive the keypress/keydown/keyup events. Actual Behavior Browser Window (JS) does not receive event. To Reproduce Create a new Electron project using 4.1.1, disable dev tools on the browser window, provide null menu, add basic keydown listener....
打包清空dist_electron旧的打包内容,因为eslint的原因,这里就用eslint-disable关掉了几个 原理就是先获取vue.config.js中的打包配置,如果重新配置了路径directories.output就动态去清空 const rm = require('rimraf'); const path = require('path'); const pluginOptions = require('../../vue.config').plugin...
Electron. Defaults to true, use --no-download.rejectUnauthorized to disable checks. electron-version the version of Electron that is being packaged, see https://github.com/electron/electron/releases electron-zip-dir the local path to a directory containing Electron ZIP files ...
disableHtmlFullscreenWindowResize Boolean (optional) - Whether to prevent the window from resizing when entering HTML Fullscreen. Default is false. 当使用 minWidth/maxWidth/minHeight/maxHeight 设置最小或最大窗口大小时, 它只限制用户。 它不会阻止您将不符合大小限制的值传递给 setBounds/setSize 或Bro...
defaultViewport设置为width:0和height:0是为了让内容自动适应窗口大小。--allow-running-insecure-content和--disable-web-security可以禁止同源策略,这样https网站加载http的跨域资源也不会报错,--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs可以打开新tab自动打开dev tools(这个后续可以加到设置中去让用户自己设置)。
封装的glfx.js,Caman JS也是个不错的选择。需要注意的是,项目如果开启eslint,js库会报错,开始在js文件头部添加/eslint-disable/忽略库文件的校验。封装的常用方法,亮度、对比度、色相、饱和度、自然饱和度、降噪点、锐化、噪点等 <template> <el-row :gutter="20"> <el-col :span="12"> 拍摄照片...