{label:'粘贴',accelerator:'CmdOrCtrl+V',role:'paste'}, {label:'重新加载',accelerator:'CmdOrCtrl+R',click:function(item, focusedWindow) {if(focusedWindow) {// on reload, start fresh and close any old// open secondary windowsif(focusedWindow.id===1) {BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().forEa...
const [instantiationService, instanceEnvironment, environmentMainService, configurationService, stateMainService, bufferLogService, productService, userDataProfilesMainService] = this.createServices(); try { // Init services try { await this.initServices(environmentMainService, userDataProfilesMainService, conf...
___ running 'vpython.bat src/third_party/depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py --no_resume --no_auth --num_threads=4 --bucket chromium-binary-patching/zucchini_testdata --recursive -d src/components/zucchini' in 'C:\zhibin\electron9.2.1' Hook 'vpython.bat src/third_party/depot_...
• electron-builder version=23.6.0 os=10.0.22621 • loaded configuration file=D:\leehoo2\electron-app\electron-builder.yml • writing effective config file=dist\builder-effective-config.yaml • skipped dependencies rebuild reason=npmRebuild issettofalse• packaging platform=win32arch=x64 elec...
explain the lack of OH−addition in neutral versus alkaline ices. For this reason, the Gc→ Gc–1 pathway is suggested as a possible route for deprotonation. Addition of OH−to the purine π-cation results in an electronic configuration analogous to that obtained by adding a proton to C8...
they form adiffusecloud of negative charge that occupies nearly the entire volume of the atom. The arrangement of electrons in orbitals and shells around the nucleus is referred to as theelectronic configurationof the atom. This electronic configuration determines not only the size of an individual...
@electron/osx-signminimizes the extra work needed to eventually prepare your apps for shipping, providing options that work out of the box for most applications. Additional configuration is available via its API. There are two main functionalities exposed via this package: ...
Ref.63 provides a worked example for H2, showing that a two-configuration combination of doubly-occupied bonding and antibonding orbitals recovers the exact dissociation limit and an accurate potential energy surface. However, the number of possible MO configurations scales factorially with system size...
Vue CLI 3 plugin for Electron A Vue CLI 3 plugin for Electron with no required configuration. electron-vue-vite A real simple Electron + Vue3 + Vite5 boilerplate. vite-electron-builder Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. Supports multiple frameworks. Debug Set the DEBUG environ...
Important: I cannot provide support for this feature. It has some known bugs. I have no plans to work on it, but pull requests are welcome. You can use migrations to perform operations to the store whenever a version is upgraded.