?}}方法一:在package.json文件build节点下添加releaseNotes信息示例://package.json{??"build":?{???"releaseInfo":{???"releaseNotes":"修复断网时离开会议失败的问题\r\n修复会议中受开关麦影响听不到的问题\r\n新增动态转发功能\r\n修复Bug,优化UI"???}??}} 方法二:在package.json文...
"//third_party/libc++/src/include/__cxx03/__config", "//third_party/libc++/src/include/__cxx03/__config_site.in", "//third_party/libc++/src/include/__cxx03/__configuration/abi.h", "//third_party/libc++/src/include/__cxx03/__configuration/availability.h", "//third_party/libc...
export npm_config_target=0.33.1 export npm_config_arch=x64 export npm_config_runtime=electron HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install module-name ``` ### [](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/tutorial/using-native-node-modules.md#the-node-gyp-way)The node-gyp Way To build...
If you have chosennas a response, the next question will be if you already have a development certificate to use for signing the package so that you will be able to side load it. If you choosen, you will get at the end of the process an unsinged AppX, that you wil...
NW.js 和 Electron 都可以用前端的知识来开发桌面应用。NW.js 和 Electron起初是同一 个作者开发。后来种种原因分为两个产品。一个命名为 NW.js(英特尔公司提供技术支持)、 另一命名为 Electron(...
Do you want build-tools to try fix thisforyou? [y/n]: y Running"git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always"WARN A fixable error has occurred--> A required dependency"choco"could not be located, it probably has to be installed. ...
})//监听所有窗口关闭的事件app.on('window-all-closed',function() {//On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Qif(process.platform !== 'darwin') {
3、配置构建文件package.json文件或者build.config.js(具体信息根据项目替换) // bundleVersion 为 bundleNumber // target 需要包括 mas // extendInfo 需要增加 TeamId // asarUnpack aras 压缩时过滤.node文件,否则无法对.node文件签名 // .provisioningProfile 文件在开发者网站下载 ...
New build config 'master-release' created Now using config 'master-release' $ e show configs * master-release master-testing $ e show current master-release $ e show root ~/src/electron $ e use master-testicdng Now using config 'master-testing' ...
编写绑定代码:在 C++ 代码中,需要编写绑定代码来将 C++ 函数暴露给 JavaScript 代码调用。这通常使用N-API或者 NAN 提供的 API 来实现。 构建插件:编写完 C++ 代码和绑定代码后,需要将它们编译成共享库文件(例如 .dll、.so 或者 .dylib 文件),以供 Node.js 载入和使用。