Running into this issue on windows10 64bit (node-8.0.0, npm-5.0.2). The application window doesn't launch after an npm start or a electron ./app/main.j or a electron . on a very simple hello world type app. However I do see an electron.exe process in TaskManager. If I manually...
it will ask to add the app to the Applications folder. after adding the app to the Applications folder, run the app from there and then the above error pops up. Possible Solution (Not obligatory) Context I didn't make any changes to the boiler plate code after cloning it. I was trying...
I am interested in launching my Electron application using a Windows folder shortcut (by right-clicking on a folder and selectingRun In My Electron App). Additionally, I would like to obtain information about the folder path that triggered the opening of the application. Although I successfully ...
windows toast notification from electron app Hi all, I am trying to make windows toast notification from electron app.when i try to install "npm install --save electron-windows-notifications",i am getting the below error "fatal error C1107: could not find assembly 'Windows.winmd': please spe...
// Signal phase: ready - before opening first window this.lifecycleMainService.phase = LifecycleMainPhase.Ready; // Open Windows await appInstantiationService.invokeFunction(accessor => this.openFirstWindow(accessor, initialProtocolUrls)); // Signal phase: after window open ...
Greetings everyone! Im facing a problem. I am trying an display an PDF File insider my electron application. The PDF can be displayed. Now i would like to disable every kind of button/toolbar/navigaton. I found an document about the opening parameters but im not sure if its outda...
unresponsive: 监听窗口是否失去响应,如果失去响应,则触发 onWindowError 事件并传递 WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE 作为错误类型。 render-process-gone: 监听窗口渲染进程是否异常退出,如果异常退出,则触发 onWindowError 事件并传递 WindowError.PROCESS_GONE 作为错误类型。 did-fail-load: 监听窗口是否加载失败,如果加载失败...
windowManager.layouts.add('default', '/layouts/default.html'); // The "/" at the beginning = {appBase}windowManager.layouts.get( name )Fetches a layout by nameclass: windowManager.sharedDataThis class offers a simple way of sharing data between windows, you can simply set a value on ...
Please read through ourcontributing guidelinesandcode of conduct. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development. Documentation Check out our officialInsomnia Documentation. Develop Insomnia Development on Insomnia can be done on Mac, Windows, or Linux as long as...
When a handler is not defined, any pairing on Linux or Windows that requires additional validation will be automatically cancelled. macOS does not require a handler because macOS handles the pairing automatically. To clear the handler, call setBluetoothPairingHandler(null). const { app, ...