app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient(protocol[, path, args\])protocol String - 协议的名称, 不包含 ://。 For example, if you want your app to handle electron:// links, call this method with electron as the parameter. path String (optional) Windows - The path to the Electron executable. ...
7.正常启动,通过 appwill-quit中断,直接按cmd+q会关闭所有窗口,但程序还是激活状态。 ==> app-event: before-quit <=== ==> app-event: will-quit <=== ==> app-event: before-quit <=== ==> app-event: will-quit <=== ==> app-event: before-quit <=== ==> app-event: will-quit <...
electron-mikro-orm-example-app An example app integrating Electron.js with Mikro-ORM. The Electron.js app is scaffolded using electron-vite. MikroORM uses so called MetadataProvider to get necessary type information about our entities' properties. In this project we use TsMorphMetadataProvider as ...
Example Electron app. Contribute to atom-archive/electron-starter development by creating an account on GitHub.
example-electron-file-association 关键函数: // Attempt to bind file opening #2app.on('will-finish-launching',()=>{// Event fired When someone drags files onto the icon while your app is runningapp.on("open-file",(event,file)=>{if(app.isReady()===false){initOpenFileQueue.push(file)...
4. 使用 Cordova 或 Capacitor 将应用打包为 Android App 安装Cordova 您可以使用 Cordova 来打包您的 Electron 应用。首先,确保安装 Cordova: npminstall-gcordova 1. 创建Cordova 项目 cordova create MyApp com.example.myapp MyAppcdMyApp 1. 2.
一、Electron打包出来的程序特征识别 二、Electron打包出来的文件的结构 将electron打包出来的exe文件修改为zip后缀,并用压缩文件解压,观察解压出来的结构:这里的重点是resources文件夹和这个exe文件,resources文件夹下有个app.asar是项目源码的归档文件
我们知道 node 程序其实是将依赖库整个下载到了node_modules中,这也就包括一些 example 和 docs 和 test,而在 electron 应用被打包的过程中,这些依赖其实也是被耿直的打包进了应用之中。这也就无形之中增加了 Electron 应用的体积。 而使用yarn clean可以清除这些内容,从而一定程度上减少应用的体积。
app-category-type the application category type For example, `` will set the application category to 'Developer Tools'. darwin-dark-mode-support forces support for Mojave/10.14 dark mode in the packaged app ...
fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error)); // 应该设置请求超时 const controller = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => {