Fast and Slow Electromagnetic Waves in a Longitudinally Magnetized Thin-Film Ferromagnetic Metamaterialmetamaterialsleft-handed mediumbackward waveferromagnetspin waves.We present the results of a theoretical study of the electrodynamic characteristics of fast and slow electromagnetic waves (EMWs) propagating ...
With the rod subjected to a longitudinal magnetic field, current is then passed longitudinally through a portion of the rod, causing the rod to twist in accordance with the Wiedemann Effect. In turn, the twisting of the rod induces a voltage in the other portion of the rod, which voltage ...
Fast and Slow Electromagnetic Waves in a Longitudinally Magnetized Thin-Film Ferromagnetic MetamaterialELECTROMAGNETIC wavesSPIN wavesELECTROMAGNETIC wave absorptionMETAMATERIALSWe present the results of a theoretical study of the electrodynamic characteristics of fast and slow electromagnetic waves (EMWs) ...
Based on these equations and the test particle scheme, a computer model is developed for determining the transient evolution of the energy flux into the ionosphere of electrons precipitated due to interactions with VLF wave packets propagating longitudinally along the geomagnetic field lines. By taking...
Nonreciprocal Devices Utilizing Longitudinally Magnetized Ferrite Coupled LinesAdam KusiekWojciech MarynowskiRafal LechJerzy Mazur